Two nice videos from Irish abroad

The Forest that keeps on giving... A weeks trip to Font in February 2014 Problems: 3615 (7a) Rocher Canon Le Coquille (6c) Franchard Hautes Plaines Abdolobotomy (7a) Franchard Isatis Satan m'Habite (7a) Roche aux Oiseaux Retour aux Sources (7a) 95.2 Le Flipper (7a) 91.1 Duel de le Lune (6c) 95.2 Chassure de Pris (7a) Rocher Canon Le Flipper (6b) 91.1 Clandestino (7b) Apresmont Envers Reve de Pierre (7a) Rocher Canon Salathe Wall (7a) Cuvier Rampart Pincez Mi (7b+) Bas Cuvier Uruguay (7b) Roche aux Oiseaux Duroxomanie (6c) Cuvier Ramparts

The Red Rocks classic Rainbow Wall - 5.12a Music - Jon Hopkins Open Eye Signal

Trying to put together some footage from my own time away, I've new found appreciation for anyone editing video.

Time. Consuming.

Neal McQuaid