Why developing coaching awards will be important

How can we better go about maximising sporting ability in ourselves and others? Richard Bailey, international authority on sport, learning, and expertise speaks with Arton Baleci of Float Sting about matters of learning, teaching and coaching in sport. For more information, go to http://floatsting.com/events/theartandscienceoflearning.

The second part of an hour long interview is above with Richard Bailey who has an excellent website and Twitter feed on coaching/education/learning-styles/talent/expertise.


A great insight that in training and preparing to become a coach, and then being able to use the word I'm a qualified coach will give additional kudos and respect. Even for me personally coaching, I am fully aware that I have no recognised award - it's easy for anyone to do so. I'd like to think my teaching background, time with personal trainers, my own research and life-long learning, etc will count for a lot but this is a great reason alone.



The first part can be found here for anyone with the time (I only had enough for the second one :):

How can we better go about maximising sporting ability in ourselves and others? Richard Bailey, international authority on sport, learning, and expertise speaks with Arton Baleci of Float Sting about matters of learning, teaching and coaching in sport. For more information, go to http://floatsting.com/events/theartandscienceoflearning.