Siurana: February 2018
The always spectacular view from Siurana village
In twenty years, there is only one venue I've been back to more than ten times. And that venue is also the very same region that I made my first ever mainland-Europe climbing trip: the region of Costa Daurada and specifically Siurana. In many ways, it always vies for my favourite climbing location along with Ceuse. In many ways however, it wins for the expansive ness and range of choice to Ceuse. Ceuse, arguably, has better climbing (seriously, it's just pure fun), however Siurana has:
- amazing climbing, especially if you're into the technical and crimping variety.
- Monstant less than 20 minutes drive away
- Margalef less than 45 minutes drive away
- excellent running trails
- the great outdoor-sports hub of Cornudella de Monstant, situated directly between Siurana and Monstant
- the chilled vibe of outdoor sports people who frequent the location
- a longer season for climbing.
In short, on what I think may be my 20th trip in just under twenty years, I'm absolutely in love with the place. For this trip, it was of the definite holiday sort: I'm still getting over my shoulder surgery (complications....) so a little climbing was only on the cards and then it was lots of fun runs, as well as a trip to the 'Yoda' of climbing physics: Pablo Scorza (yes, he's as good as they say).
Here's a short collection of the photos and posts from the trip to entertain. Enjoy.
The amphitheater of Raco de Mesa at Monstant. Cliffs of 50+ metres in height, it's hard to appreciate the scale. For those climbing at the level, the route 'Hydrophobia' (8a) comes out along the left hand edge of the shadow in the photo. Can't recommend it enough for pure fun.
The left-hand edge of Raco de Mist at Monstant. I've circled a climber to give a sense of scale.....
the Siurana/Cornudella loop (Strava details below for anyone interested)
I'm sure this will cause a bit of controversy.... these dots are on rocks to mark routes and trails. Personally, I think they're great as it saves me having to deal with maps. For others, it'll be a debate about taking away the challenge of the outdoors or something or other.....
When in Spain......
Siurana's incredible valley crags. Again, circling the climbers to give sense of scale and perspective.
Finished off with a little dash into to view Chris Sharma's climbing gym in Barcelona as we had a spare hour or so prior to the flight......