Can someone explain the benefits of CarPlay?

I see Apple Airplay getting a mention infrequently for it's new CarPlay service. I'm confused, I already have a version of CarPlay in my campervan (with full access to Siri, etc) with one additional benefit: I can sit the phone into the dock which charges it at the same time.

It's all well and good having my iPhone showing up on a big screen but I'm yet to see a good solution to charging methods in any vehicle (as an example, a friend with a new Audi: the iphone connector is in the passenger glove box?!). So, CarPlay gives me a bigger screen solution, and I presume it restricts access to only specific apps that support the large screen - however I fall into the group of people who are fully aware that using a phone while driving is super dangerous. So I limit myself to starting music (around three clicks, be it podcast/music/Spotify) which is no less than if I was starting a radio station on a normal car stereo, and most other items through Siri (text messages) or voice calls on the built-into-the-stereo-speaker-phone (and even that is reduced as I'm also aware that using a hands-free kit is almost as bad as using the phone normally while driving).

The obvious benefits are if purchasing a new vehicle, CarPlay will be pre-installed. That's neat. And it'll be on a bigger screen. But in theory you shouldn't be using a screen while driving anyway (bar swapping radio stations) so should they not just be improving Siri capabilities?


Am I missing something?

The Philips CMD310 in my campervan - I've got it currently running my iPhone 4S but it worked fine with an iPhone 5 or 5S with the Lightning adaptor.

The Philips CMD310 in my campervan - I've got it currently running my iPhone 4S but it worked fine with an iPhone 5 or 5S with the Lightning adaptor.

Volvo and Apple join forces to make Apple's widely-used operating system available to drivers, bringing together one of the world's most progressive car companies and the world's most famous technology company.

Neal McQuaid