Facebook's dominance
So let’s say we paid $5 per post for 8 posts per week. That’s $2080 per year to reach the AUDIENCE THAT WE BUILT WITH OUR OWN CONTENT. And that’s only reaching around 1,200 people. Want to reach them all? You’re talking 4 times that or more.
Okay, so maybe we are a little miffed that Facebook has decided for us – and our followers – who we should be allowed to talk to each day. That’s the opposite of what socializing is all about. But that’s their business model, and we get to take it or leave it. We left it.
From an interesting post on LinkedIn.
I love the idea the social network where all my friends hang out and we share stories/photos/ideas/difficulties/laughs. Facebook built itself on exactly that idea to the billion-plus users it has but what at the end of the day, it has to pay its bills and it will be through advertising. Sad as it is, if daily users had to pay I doubt as many people would be using it, even if they got the experience they expected - no advertising, a linear feed of their friends posts and comfortable private messaging.
It will be interesting to see if small-to-medium businesses keep up advertising on Facebook. Large companies with unlimited budgets may slowly take over and more and the question will then be whether users are willing to put up with that. It will also be an interesting topic with WhatsApp and Instagram too - at some point in time, I can only assume advertising is going to appear here.
Interesting times!!!!