I nice little addition to my quiver - as of today, I'll be cross-posting to the IrishTechNews.net website. In a nice bit of community support, I'll be writing alongside a nice team of people covering a great range of topics and skill-sets in the field of technology.
Read MoreFor those born before the 90's, I'm sure you'll remember the Amstrad and Commodore 64, right? It was the computer that all your friends had, with it's disks and fancy (for the time!) graphics. In my head, it was very common at least........
Read MoreIf the one part of the future of interacting with your smartphone, or any device, involves using voice (Siri on iOS, Google Everywhere on Android, Cortana on Windows Phone, or start-up apps such as SpeakToIt), then devices like the new, and incredibly small, Motorola Hint are going to help.
Read More"Most of Europe's ICT activity takes place in 34 regions across 12 countries (listed in the Annex). Key ingredients to success included access to top Universities and research centres and funding opportunities such as venture capital.......
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